Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Love/Hate Relationship with SNOW!

Much to my dismay, winter is off to a blustery start this week with the arrival of the flurry white stuff, cold temperatures, and a pair of shiny new snow boots for my daughter - just in the nick of time (whew!)

I have never been much of a winter enthusiast despite living in the Midwest for all of my life. Sure I played in the snow as a little kid - making snow angels and forts, sledding with friends, or building snowmen with my sisters. But as soon as a little bit of snow or ice made its way into that tiny space on my wrist between my mitten and my coat, I was done for the day! Time for hot cocoa and cookies.

So in honor of this first snowfall of the season, I will share with you what I love and hate about SNOW:

Love: How pretty the snow looks falling down, and how it blankets the bare tree branches and bushes.
Hate: How yucky the snow looks on the side of the road all gray, black and slushy after rush-hour traffic.

Love: When my children shout with excitement "It's snowing, it's snowing!" Then, stuff themselves into snow pants, coats, boots, hats, and mittens to go outside to play for hours.
Hate: Stuffing myself into layers of clothing, a coat, a hat, a scarf, and boots to drive in the ugly, gray slushy stuff just to run a short errand.

Love: The crunch crunch sound your boots make on the fresh fallen snow.
Hate: I don't get to hear that crunch crunch sound too much these days because my illness keeps inside during much of the winter.

Love: When daddy takes the kids out sledding!
Hate: That I miss out on all the snow-frolicking fun because it's too cold and windy for me to breathe, I can't climb up a hill, and I wouldn't be able to move due to all the layers I would need to wear just to keep warm - kind of like Ralphie's brother in the movie The Christmas Story.

But at least I can make cookies and hot cocoa for the kids when they come inside with their cheeks all rosy and bright.

Absolutely love: This photo of my kids in the snow from a few years back . . .


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